Tuesday, December 18, 2012

X. Glitz & Glam

This weeks challenge is something fun, different and just for you! 

Because of what this week holds, if you will accept, I challenge you to a Glitz & Glam makeover!

One may question what exactly is a Glitz & Glam makeover. This week is your birthday week. It is also the 'end of the world', and the shortest day of the year. Being who we are (Carlson's -- because even though you changed your last names, doesn't mean you can change your roots), we always look for the best deal, and a way to get the biggest bang for our buck. So this birthday season I challenge you to take $100 and try to find yourself a COMPLETE birthday/end of the world/shortest day of the year outfit so that you can celebrate with true Glitz & Glam.

So shop wisely, use your fashion meter, but more importantly, just take sometime to go out and have a fun little stress free shopping spree where you get to focus on your big day! 

Inspiration: Every reason needed to buy a new outfit
Medium: $100 to be designated to the perfect Birthday Outfit
Deadline: Sunday 12/23/12 11:59pm -- though your birthday is on Friday --- so maybe Friday should be your deadline ;)


So there was many ways I could have taken this. Sure I thought about cleaning out the cob webs and working on my writing skills with a new holiday poem to send home, but I just couldn't resist the urge to lock in on the tradition of the ELF ON THE SHELF!

The creativity for this challenge came not so much in the plotting and gathering of my elf but figuring out what mischievous activity she will do each day. My elf has been named Idella, for the mere reason that Grandma Idella was a spunky one. She was a firecracker, a mischievous wonder and always fun to play games with. And as the purpose of Elf On The Shelf, she is watching us and reporting back to Santa about our behaviors. Just a fun way to get into the spirit of Christmas. 

So here's a list of all the activities that Idella has been spotted doing...

Of course -- she will continue to battle her way thru our house until Christmas morning. We can only hope she continues to bring laughter to the house full of fun. 

Monday, December 10, 2012

VIIII. Elves

Q: What holiday character do IYthe most?

A: Elves!

For this challenge, I challenge you to elves.  Is this a vague suggestion?  Of course it is!  Do what you can with elves.  Create a cute elf to watch over your home to see who is naughty or nice or you could write a touching poem about an elf who lives at the North Pole or ________.

This challenge is limited only by your creativity and as I am giving you no direction, I'm am anxiously awaiting to see your results because you never cease to amaze me!

Challenge details:
Inspiration: Christmas Elves!
Medium: To be decided by you.
Deadline: Sunday, December 16th, 11:59 p.m.

VIII. Candy Cane Results

I could have made a candy cane dish every day of this month, so it was hard to zone in and focus on one treat.  When I first received my challenge, i immediately was going to make a holiday mixer, but I opted for something sweeter instead. I made Holiday Cupcakes with a Candy Cane Swirl!

  • 1 box of cake mix (I had confetti cake on hand, I would definitely suggest using a white cake mix)
  • 1 jar of Betty Crocker Whipped Vanilla Frosting
  • 15-20 drops of red food coloring
  • 2 4 tbsp peppermint extract (thanks Jamin for the correction)
  • 24 cute muffin baking cups

  1. Preheat oven and prepare the cake mix per instructions on the box.
  2. Enlist a helper.  Have said helper hammer peppermints into crumbs.
  3. Add the crushed mint and 2 tbsp peppermint extract to cake batter and mix with standing mixer.
  4. Reserve 1 cup of batter and put in a small bowl.
  5. Scoop cake batter into lined muffin pan.
  6. With reserved batter stir in 15-20 drops of red food coloring.
  7. Spoon red batter in to muffin cups and swirl with a knife.
  8. Bake for 18-22 minutes.
  9. Remove from oven and allow to cool.
  10. Once cool, frost with Whipped Vanilla Frosting, serve and enjoy!

    And Voila!
    They are rather tasty, but there is no way that Jamin and I can eat 24 cupcakes before they spoil, so we both will be bringing a treat to work this week!

Monday, December 3, 2012

VIII. Candy Canes

Christmas is on the countdown, so fa la la la la la la la laaaaa!!! Christmas time is candy time. And who doesn't love a candy cane???

This week, if you choose to accept, I challenge you to PEPPERMINT!

I encourage you to use peppermint in a recipe for maybe cookies, maybe candy, maybe a winter cocktail or a maybe a warm loaf of bread. Use your imagination, create a new creation! Use what it takes, create, or even bake your way into this fun Christmas time spirit!!!

On behalf of bringing us a bit closer this holiday season, I also put myself to the challenge to create your creation within 7 days of you posting it. Just a little conversation starting, taste bud mixing, moment of fun sharing that we can do while being 3,000 miles apart during the holiday season. (of course if your concoction turns out good)

Challenge Details:
Inspiration: Candy Canes
Medium: Peppermint flavoring (or Candy Canes) -- Garnishing with Candy Canes
Deadline: Sunday 9th, 11:59pm

VII. Wreath Results

I accepted the wreath challenge with great aspirations. I actually had to force myself to choose which sort of wreath I wanted to make.

From sticks, to stones, glitter and pine cones, I was prepared to create the Christmas Spirit..... So I thought.

I went to the store the next morning and walked through all the Christmas items waiting for the most perfect idea to pop. When I approached the flower isle, I nicely found a sale sign --- ALL STYROFOAM 50% off... YES, GREAT, AWESOME...NOT!!!!! All the Black Friday shoppers had cleaned the place out! Not discouraged, I wandered to the spice isle. There's just something about Cinnamon that warms me up! Looking for the Cinnamon sticks was exciting. I was already thinking about all the red fabric I had at home and how I could make my own bow and use the sticks as the core of the wreath..... til I found that a pack of 12 cinnamon stix were $9.00, and I needed easily 50 sticks.

With the tail between my legs, and 4 stores later, I found a wood wreath made up. I grabbed some fun decorations, dissembled them, and got out all my red fabric. I ripped small shreds tied the ends together to give it a rustic look and placed each festive piece to finish the puzzle. It is a fun welcoming wreath, now if it will just warm up enough so I can get something to stick so I can hang it on the front door instead of just inside the front door.

Although my wreath was not what I had wanted, hoped and expected it to be, it still turned out to pack a punch of Christmas. Don't get discouraged because all the pieces aren't falling together perfectly. Use this as a reason to go outside the boundaries!

Of course I look at yours and absolutely love it! HOW PERFECT!!!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

VII. Wreath Results

Ta-Da! It's been a while, but I finally finished a challenge!  So I was browsing through Michael's last Monday  because I need to pick up stickers for work and I got stopped by the 50% OFF all Christmas decor.  My favorite holiday decor are wreaths, so I just needed to find the correct supplies in order to make it!  I looked through the floral and foam section for a foam circle to use as the base for my wreath, but they were all sold out because they were also on sale so I knew I was going to have to improvise.

I picked up some fantastic, glittery midnight blue plastic leaves that were $0.49 a piece!  For that price I was able to purchase a handful of different leave shapes.
Other supplies that I used were scissors, wire cutter, floral tape and a glue gun.  I thought that I would be able to wrap it only with floral tape and then cover that with ribbon, but I ran into problems keeping it circular in shape because it wasn't strong enough.  Therefore, I resorted to the glue gun.  I also struggled with that, I think the glue is rather old.  I started by laying the pieces for layer one face down and glued the end of the stem to the top leave of the next.  Although I bought a variety, I ended up using only the fern like stems and the broad leaf stems.
After the first layer was put together and glued securely, I layered on the fern pieces to give it some body and structure.
The minute I held up the wreath, the glue started to give way and my circle became more oblong.  I reinforced about half of it with a wire hanger to help hold it's shape.  I hot glued it to the back of the wreath and taped it in few places with the floral tape.  I used left over stems and snipped the leaves so I could hot glue them around the wreath to cover the not so good looking parts.
I used a similar colored ribbon to hang the wreath from and perched it on our door.  As you can see there are few parts that could use a little more body and it's shame isn't 100% circular, but I think it looks great!  It's simple, festive and unique!

Happy Holidays to All!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

VII. Wreaths

Okay, so I may have gone MIA and haven't completed and posted failed the last two challenges... I was dealing with... umm, umm... problems... Okay, fine I'm just making excuses, you got me!

This challenge, if you choose to accept, is fitting for the upcoming holidays.  When I think of Christmas, a thousand things come to mind, but lately I've been drawn to wreaths.  I think they are disgustingly perfect and cheery reminder to guests that they are welcomed when hanging on your front door.

Inspiration: Your choice
Medium: Wreath for your front door
Deadline: Sunday, December 2nd @ 11:59 p.m.

You can make it any shape: square, triangular, circular, pentagonish, etc... You can make it any color: red, yellow, aqua, green, black, etc...  You can also choose what it is made out of: traditional pine needles (real or fake, I won't judge), sticks, yarn, buttons, ribbons, ornaments... or... ANYTHING YOUR LITTLE HEART CAN IMAGINE!

Are you ready for the twist...

This is going to be a group challenge!  While I was squeezing my way through Micheal's Monday morning (note to self, never and I mean NEVER go to Micheal's when everything Christmas is 50% off.  It is a mad house! Even at 9:00 a.m.!) to pick up stickers for name tags for my company's holiday party this weekend, I couldn't not stop and look at the glittery holiday decorations, although I didn't try very hard to keep going, they were 50% off!.  I think it's a sign of aging for me when, 1. I stop to look at things that are glittery and shiny, so not who I used to be years ago and 2. I picked up items that are BLUE!?!?  Alright, I'm off track, but I picked up the most perfect items to also create a wreath with you this week because I couldn't resist and our home needs that little touch of the holiday spirit!

Monday, November 19, 2012

VI. Be Thankful - Photography

Tis the season to be THANKFUL!! Being gifted with the challenge week of Thanksgiving I have quite the challenge for you! Now that you have access to an amazing photo editing program, and have the ability to have a smart phone in your hand…

If you choose to accept, I challenge you to taking, creating, and editing 10 PHOTOS of things you are THANKFUL for! 

So turn on the juices, and start the set ups. This challenge is fun, intriguing and creative.

You can take pictures of ANY thing you want. People, places, objects, things – you decide! Just click away and share what you get!

Inspiration: Capturing things to be Thankful for
Medium: Photography
Deadline: Sunday, November 25 @ 11:59pm

V. Chevron Print Results

I accepted this challenge with great enthusiasm, and lots of excitement. I jumped onto my computer and started looking for ideas, patterns, and templates to start my Chevron creation! I knew that Tuesday night was the only night I could book it to Joann’s Fabric, so I wanted a plan in my head before I went. Stuck between what to make, my mind couldn't decipher if a table runner to match the kitchen, a pencil skirt to wear for Thanksgiving or Christmas, or a fun new purse was my best choice, so I went in with the measurements to fit all of them.

After arriving at Joann’s and searching the isles up and down, I panicked. There was NO Chevron print to be found. Apparently it is “out” of season, and Chevron patterns only season is fall. So there I sat with my list of measurements and necessities for my sewing projects, and NO FABRIC.

I took a moment and got the hamster back up on the wheel. I started searching for the store for great deals, which is when I stumbled upon fabric paint. I figured, if I can’t buy the fabric…I’ll just make my own Chevron. I snatched the paint and headed to Target to get a gray shirt.

I got home to start designing. Using painters tape, I measured out the shirt and started making my Chevron pattern. Spraying it with a light coating of white fabric paint, and 4 hours of dry time, my Chevron print challenge was finished, and actually extremely cool! I had completely transformed a basic gray shirt into a stylish one that adds a fun touch to any outfit. Super satisfied with my design, I’m now waiting for the perfect reason to show it off to the world! What a super easy, cheap and fun challenge! This idea will stay in my mind for any future outfit remodels that I have.

Ps. I purposely did not make the Chevron strips the same size. I used 2 different size paint strips to keep the print from becoming uniformed. I really liked how it turned out with the 2 different sizes. It makes the shirt even more fun. The moral of the story for this challenge is -- DON'T EVER GIVE UP JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN'T FIND WHAT YOU ORIGINALLY INTENDED TO FIND!

Monday, November 12, 2012

V. Chevron Print

We had our first "snow" this morning.  I love winter, but I really hate driving.  It never goes well, even when I drive slow, my tires spin and I slide.  But ask anyone, I am a great driver... ;)

With the fall of snow, comes the warm mushy time of year which we spend being thankful and giving.  I love showing others how much they mean to me and how thankful I am for everyone in my life, I'm just not so good at being emotional.  So my inspiration for your challenge came from the hard jagged lines of a fabulous print that is definitely not a characteristic normal for the Holiday season.

So I present... the CHEVRON PRINT, if you choose to accept...

The best part is, it can be used on anything, anywhere and in any color.  Normally I would give examples, but I don't want to influence how you will use this pattern!

Inspiration: Chevron Print
Medium: Your choice
Deadline: Sunday, November 18th @11:59pm 

IV. Mittens Results

Okay, so technically I failed this challenge because I didn't submit it by 11:59 p.m. Sunday, but it was due to forces out of my control.  Hmm that's a lie, we had house guests and we partied all weekend when I should have been finishing my mittens. They are roughly 70% complete so when I finish them, hopefully before Friday, I will share!

Monday, November 5, 2012

IV. Mittens

It’s official, we’ve set out clocks backs, the temps are dropping (probably more so for me then you), and the days are getting darker (also more so me, then you). But all this leads up to the fact that WINTER IS COMING. It’s time to start prepping for cute outfits that will keep ya warm when the sun sets and the temps drop low. So look at the fleece, feel the wool, pet the faux,  and touch the sweatshirt like material, because your challenge is going to need some warm material to turn this winter necessity challenge into success! 

Your challenge, if you choose to accept, is MITTENS!!!

In the past we’ve tried to make our own mittens – if you recall, they are tie dye, made of fleece, but not lined, so they are really only good for the looks. It’s only fitting that I still have these mittens and wear them almost every day. This morning when I put them on and went out to scrap the windows on my car, I had the most perfect ‘ah ha’ moment and challenge for you. 
So I dig out your sewing machine, load your bobbin, and get to sewing!!! You can look at and use any pattern online that you find, because sewing is something that needs a pattern.  However I urge you to use your sense of style and put a touch of “Carol” into your mittens! 

Inspiration: Winter
Medium: Mittens
Deadline: Sunday, November 11th @11:59pm 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

III. Paint Chip Results

As soon as I was given the challenge of creating something using paint chips, I instantly knew that this was my chance to finally create the coasters I've been wanting to create for my wine room! With that in mind I had a color pallet in mind, but when it came down to standing in Lowes looking at the paint chips everything looked so fun!!!

Between trying to avoid attention from the paint sales specialist I filed my pockets with many paint chips, and booked it to the counter to buy my 4 bathroom tiles. My whole drive home the wheels were turning on what patterns to make, and what style to create!!!

After scattering the paint chips all a crossed my bed, and looking at the titles, I can to the idea to create the coasters using a few of the paint chip color titles that are associated with wine!!! One incorporates "Crushed Grapes" and "Curtain Call". This coaster now reminds me of when my first batch of homemade wine that was used in the short film that I helped make this summer. Another one has "A Day a the Jewelers" and "Tea Lights" which brings me back to the day of your wedding :) now if I only had one that said "Trinity Red" for that title too!

To make these, I laid out the paint chips, mod podged them to the title, sprayed a sealer to the top and applied felt to the bottom to make them slide easily and not scratch the table surface! Here are the final results! The best thing about this project as it costed me a total of $8, which included the Mod Podge and sealing spray. If you already have that on hand, it a mere $2 to make your own 4 piece coaster set that matches any design you want!


Monday, October 29, 2012

III. Paint Chips

It's finally time for your second challenge!  Do you dare accept?  I have an inspiration in mind and it could drive you crazy with all of the endless possibilities!

Are you ready?

Your challenge for this week is...paint chips!
Challenge Details:
Inspiration: Colorful paint chips
Medium: Whichever you choose
Deadline: Sunday, November 4th @ 11:59 p.m.

Good luck!  If you google paint chips you get a plethora of great ideas, so don't make that mistake or you will be so insanely overwhelmed that you will probably be making paint chip projects for the rest of your life!

You are not limited to any color range.  GWILD!  Also, you can use any medium that you would like.  I briefly thought about limiting you to making a piece of art, but I will let your creative juices flow into something spectacular all on their own.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

II. Apple Challenge Results

I know what you are thinking, yes, I did wait until the last days to complete this challenge.  We have been so busy that we haven't even had a chance to enjoy fall this year, much less apple picking at the orchard!  Ironically, apples aren't my favorite fruit and when I think of them, I see that infamous scene of temptation from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (I might also have witches on my brain because of Halloween...).
 For whatever unknown reason, I am obsessed with Mexican food right now!  Tacos, nachos, rice and beans, etc... and  I didn't want to make a dessert, because lets be real, I  could have created thousands of apple desserts, but I wanted to go spicy, so let me introduce you to:
Spicy Apple Nachos!

Ingredients (everything is a guesstimate, because I don't measure when I cook):
  • 1 Jonagold apple
  • 1 Fuji apple
  • 1 1/2  Granny Smith apple
  • 1 sweet potato
  • 1 can of black beans
  • Ground turkey
  • 1 red onion
  • 1 white onion
  • 1 roma tomato
  • Brick of apple smoked cheddar cheese
  • 4 corn tortillas
  • 4 flour tortillas
  • 1 jalapeño pepper
  • Splash of cranberry juice
  1. Wash and peel the sweet potato.  Dice and place in pot of water and bring to a boil.  Cook until soft or easily pierced with a fork.
  2. While the potato is boiling, preheat the oven to 450˚ quarter 4 corn tortillas and 4 flour tortillas. We had to use two kinds because I'm trying to avoid wheat and Jamin can't eat corn tortillas because, "they don't taste right."  I spritzed with water and sprinkled cinnamon between each layer of tortilla.  Place on baking sheet with an oven safe plate on top (it stops the tortillas from curling) and bake for 8-10 minutes or until chips are crispy.
  3. Slice 1 jonagold, 1 granny smith and 1 fuji apple in half.  Remove core and seeds.  Place on baking sheet, we actually don't have a baking sheet so I placed them in a muffin tin which actually worked better.  Sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar and bake in 450˚ oven with the tortilla chips.
  4. Slice the jalapeño pepper, onion and tomato.  Grate cheese, drain and rinse the beans and set all aside.
  5. Brown turkey and season to taste.  I had to enlist a helper.  I have the worst time with cooking meat, I simply do not know how to tell when it's done... it's weird, I know.
  6. If chips are crispy, take them out of the oven and set aside as well.  If the potatoes are soft, drain and set aside.  If the apples are baked and mushy take them out of the oven!
  7. Combine apples (I used one half of each baked apple), half a can of beans, sliced jalapeño and roughly 6 chunks of sweet potato in a food processor.  Blend until all ingredients are mixed.  Because I used black beans, it is an unattractive color, but sample it, it tastes amazing!
  8. Layer the chips onto a platter.  Spoon healthy heaps of your spicy apple dip, sprinkle onions, tomatoes, pork and some black beans on your chip spread.  Finally, top with cheese, the more the better ;).
  9. Place into a warmed oven to melt.  While in the oven, thinly slice a granny smith apple for garnishment.
  10. Remove from oven, top with apple slices, pour a glass of wine, serve and ENJOY!

 It was extremely tasty!  Adding the whole jalapeño pepper gave it the right spicy kick and the apples were sweet enough to balance that heat.

Try it... I dare you!

Here are more cooking pictures, for those of you who are visual.

Monday, October 22, 2012

II. Apple Challenge

Whether red, green or yellow – Skinned, Diced, Pureed, Juiced or Mashed your first challenge, if you choose to accept, is…. APPLES!!

One thing that I do miss is being able to have the option to go to the apple orchard in the fall. There’s just something about hayrides, picking your own bag of assorted apples, looking at scarecrows and being amongst friends or family that makes going to the Apple Orchard something that I truly miss being able to do.
Apples have always been one of my favorite fruits. Honey Crisp apples especially. You can mix them with peanut butter, caramel, or cinnamon. Or you can eat them plain. You can juice them and make fresh cider. You can dice them in salads, and as I learned last week, you can put them in pumpkin soup. But what else can you do with an Apple???
Since fall is in full swing, and the apple orchards shedding their fruits it only makes sense to make your challenge item: APPLES. You may reflect other recipes for ideas, but must create one of your very own. With over 2,500 varieties of apples grown in the United States, you’ll have a challenge inside its self of picking the fruit that will become a part of your new recipe.

Challenge Details:
Inspiration: Apples
Medium: Recipe
Deadline: Sunday, October 29th @ 11:59 p.m.

How about them apples??

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

I. Pumpkin Challenge Results: SUCCESS


So when I think of pumpkins, I think of carving them. I think of seasoned pumpkin seeds fresh out of the oven, and pumpkin bread! But all in association with fall. And when I really think of fall, I  think of the crisp smell in the air, the leaves changing and falling to the ground and the aroma of cinnamon coming from my freshly warmed up cup of apple cider, with a little bit of pear liquor as I watch it from inside a warm house!!!

So as I sat in the grocery store looking at the pumpkins today, trying to figure out which one was going to be the victim that i would take home to my cutting board, to cut up into pieces, to cook, beat, puree, chunk, to destroy, I couldn't help but be inspired to also incorporate apples, pears and cinnamon as well. I just had a feeling the slightly sweet crispness of the fruits would be a perfect touch, and oddly I was right!

Now out of eagerness and excitement to try my challenge, I really didn't have much time to look up recipes as reference. However with the power of a smart phone, and typing into Google  "what goes good with pumpkins?" -- I shortly learned Coconut milk as a popular choice. The wheels started turning, with it only being 37 degrees out, and snow sprinkled on the ground the light bulb turned on -- "AH HA," I literlly said out loud-- I'll try a soup!!!

So I gathered ingredients like a squirrel gathering nuts for hibernation -- 2 apples, 1 pears, 4 jalapenos  2 habaneros,  1 sweet onion, 1 orange pepper, cinnamon, coconut milk, chicken broth, white beans, cilantro, brown sugar and my challenge ingredient A PUMPKIN!! Although I didn't know what I was doing, or how it was going to turn out, I felt like I was a pro in the Kitchen and could have totally passed it off as a recipe that I had made millions of time! With that being said its a plus to know that this is for the most part an easy recipe to make!!!

The soup turned out phenomenal. A complete fall delight. It was sweet with a touch of spice. Although most snarl at the idea of fruit in soup, it was a pleasant surprise that paired extremely well with the pumpkin and coconut milk mixture! All three taste testing roommates approved!!! 

So here is my recipe, my measurements are estimated. I really did not measure anything except for the white beans.  I know this one will find a way into my personal cook books! Of course as a seasonal soup option, but still totally worth it!!!!!!! Of course not everyone likes spice the way we do, so I'd suggest leaving out the Habanero, however, I would not suggest losing the Jalepeno. The recipe strives as a Sweet and Spicy mixture.

1/4 cup Red Sweet Onion
1/4 cup Orange Pepper
1 Jalepeno
1 Habanero
1 Small Pumpkin
1 Cup White Beans - Soaked
2 - 12oz cans Coconut Milk
2 - Cups Chicken Broth
1/4 - Cup Brown Sugar
1 - Small Apple diced up in chunks(I used Gala)
Halve of a Pear diced up in chunks
Cilantro (for topping)
Salt and Pepper 

1. Start with gutting the pumpkin, and slicing it into smaller chunks to warm up faster. Drizzle olive oil across the pieces on a pan and sprinkle with cinnamon. Place in oven set to 400 degrees for about 20 minutes, flipping at 10 minutes. This is just to soften up the pumpkin so you can easily peel it from the skin and puree it. Once soften enough, remove skin and puree it with 1/2 a can of coconut milk.

2. Dice up Bell Pepper, Onion, Jalepeno, Habanero, Apples and Pears.

3. Place apples and pears in small bowl. Drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle with cinnamon to sit. 

4. Warm up 2 cups of chicken broth, and 1.5 cans of coconut milk in soup pot. Add in Orange Bell Pepper, Red Sweet Onion, Jalepeno, Habanero, and white beans. Bring to a simmer. Add in Pumpkin Puree. Season with salt, pepper and (1 tablespoon) cinnamon, and return to a light simmer. Simmer for 30 to 45 minutes to cook white beans until soft. Stir in 1/4 brown sugar to give it a sweet extra kick.

5. Once beans are almost done, add in Apples and Pear Chunks to soften up a little bit. Because these don't take long to soften up, watch them so they don't get mushy. 

6. Serve with Cilantro and a dash of Cinnamon added for a last flavor boost.