Monday, October 29, 2012

III. Paint Chips

It's finally time for your second challenge!  Do you dare accept?  I have an inspiration in mind and it could drive you crazy with all of the endless possibilities!

Are you ready?

Your challenge for this week is...paint chips!
Challenge Details:
Inspiration: Colorful paint chips
Medium: Whichever you choose
Deadline: Sunday, November 4th @ 11:59 p.m.

Good luck!  If you google paint chips you get a plethora of great ideas, so don't make that mistake or you will be so insanely overwhelmed that you will probably be making paint chip projects for the rest of your life!

You are not limited to any color range.  GWILD!  Also, you can use any medium that you would like.  I briefly thought about limiting you to making a piece of art, but I will let your creative juices flow into something spectacular all on their own.

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