Monday, October 22, 2012

II. Apple Challenge

Whether red, green or yellow – Skinned, Diced, Pureed, Juiced or Mashed your first challenge, if you choose to accept, is…. APPLES!!

One thing that I do miss is being able to have the option to go to the apple orchard in the fall. There’s just something about hayrides, picking your own bag of assorted apples, looking at scarecrows and being amongst friends or family that makes going to the Apple Orchard something that I truly miss being able to do.
Apples have always been one of my favorite fruits. Honey Crisp apples especially. You can mix them with peanut butter, caramel, or cinnamon. Or you can eat them plain. You can juice them and make fresh cider. You can dice them in salads, and as I learned last week, you can put them in pumpkin soup. But what else can you do with an Apple???
Since fall is in full swing, and the apple orchards shedding their fruits it only makes sense to make your challenge item: APPLES. You may reflect other recipes for ideas, but must create one of your very own. With over 2,500 varieties of apples grown in the United States, you’ll have a challenge inside its self of picking the fruit that will become a part of your new recipe.

Challenge Details:
Inspiration: Apples
Medium: Recipe
Deadline: Sunday, October 29th @ 11:59 p.m.

How about them apples??

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