Tuesday, November 11, 2014

CiCi's Results: "Owl" Let You Figure It Out!

I do have a weird fascination with owls.  As I sit here blogging at my kitchen table, I count 5 owl items or images staring back at me... gulp... it might be an obsession!  Without a doubt, an owl's best feature is their eyes, however, staying up all night is a close second!
I can't crochet.  I'm not patient and I become incredibly frustrated when I try because it pisses me off that I can't do it.  Sewing, is a breeze!  Counted cross stitch was a piece of cake to learn and embroidery... the easiest of them all!  Crocheting is the stuff that taunts me in my nightmares!
Ironically, I do have a drawer full of yarn, because "one day I'm going to teach myself to crochet." Also, I pilfered some of it from Kayc when she was in her knitting phase.  Periodically I check out crochet books from the library and I happened upon a pattern for an owl garland and it looked like a good beginner project.
I grabbed my H hook, ball of yarn and sat down to crochet. Struggling through the first owl, it didn't turn out to bad, but the remaining two (just when I thought I was getting it) ended up not working right and are lopsided, but alas, they have found their purpose in life... as coasters.
In a bind and pissed off because crocheting was smarter than me, I did what every normal person does, I googled.  I happened upon a YouTube tutorial for a Night Owl Eye Mask!  It's taken three long nights, but I've finished my own.  I'd like to point out that I did go rouge by chain stitching the head straps instead of using plain 'ol boring elastic.
It's not perfect, but I'm proud that I finished and it looks like it should.  I choose variegated yarn to cover any imperfections. This project has created an animal and I'm ready to get started on another one tonight!  Practice makes perfect!
Visit www.CrochetTalk.com or follow this link for pattern: http://youtu.be/DszDaYLIMjM?list=UUc7ne2xKgF-9KlRS9n8KoVQ
Yes family, this most likely means you will be receiving an awesome handmade gift this year, but at least it's made with 100% love!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Carol's Challenge: 'Owl' let you figure it out!

What are your two favorite things in life? Owls and Ben's and I's ability to spew out awesome puns at all time!!! Well I might not be exact on your top two favorite things, however, I'm close enough and that's what is going to make this challenge a hoot! 

November is a perfect month to start digging out the winter and Christmas decoration, which also makes it a perfect time to create something new. Do what you want, create what you may, just make sure you make it owlsome! Your challenge is to dig deep into one of your favorite things, and create a masterpiece to add to your collect of Owl'a! From Food, to Crafts, you get to choose.

If you accept: Challenge Details:
Subject: Owls
Medium: Your Choice
Deadline: 11/11/14

'Owl' sit here and wait for your results!!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Kayc's Results: One of these things is not like the other!

This challenge was both fun and mind boggling for me! At first I was going through my normal day and realized I match a lot of things together that a lot of people wouldn't think be paired together! So I could have called it quits after just 24 hours of the challenge, BUT that wasn't really an option as I wanted to go above and beyond!!!

My APPARENTLY not so normal pairs:

#1: French Fries Dipped in Ice Cream

#2: Egg Nog with my Chai Tea

#3: Yogurt in a Stir Fry

So I jumped on and watched some clips of Flea Market Flip to get my wheels turning on what I could do to complete this challenge! I knew I wanted to grab something from the thrift store, and I had to focus on PAIRS!!! It dawned on me the perfect project was just moments away from becoming my reality! SWEATER MITTENS! AND what pairs well with SWEATERS? MITTENS! So why not pair them together.

MITTENS MADE WITH 100% Sweaters!

Challenge Complete! :D

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Kayc's Challenge: One of these thing is not like the other...

Confession time!  I'm currently obsessed with the HGTV show "Flea Market Flip."  You have to tell me you've seen it because it was made for me!?!  Thanks to Netflix for making it readily available, I watch in to the wee hours of the morning.

So... where am I going with this you ask?  One of the challenges on the show is to Take two completed unrelated items and make them a pair.  Can you guess where this is going?

I challenge you to make a pair out of two totally unrelated items.  You can use anything you have at home or something you see when you are out and about treasure hunting.  Because you are you, I know that you won't have any trouble completing this on time.

There are already some great existing pairs in the world, for example:

Whiskey & Ginger Ale
(Clink, clink, slurp.....* burp*)
Batman & Robin
(Only REAL men wear tights!)
Barbie & Ken
(Real hair!? Come on Ken, you look way better in plastic waves with paint highlights)

Or the curious pairing of Schmidt's Summer Sausage and donuts, seriously, our Dad is weird!

Challenge Details:
Create: A Pairing of Different Items 
Medium: Determined by You
Time: You have until Saturday, November 1st

Do you accept?

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Carol's Challenge: Tis' the season to add SCARE! - RESULTS

Alas, thou dost comprehend!  I didn't abide by the timeline rules, but the last week was crazy at both home and work.  I know... what a lame excuse, but I honestly didn't have room for a creative thought in my mind!
Ironically, scarecrows kind of creep me out.  I find them unsettling and cryptic, so I knew the first autumnal decoration that I was going to make would have to be a happy and straight forward spin on a scarecrow.
Ask any child of the 90's what their favorite movie to watch during October.  I'd say that 99% of them would say Hocus Pocus (if you are asking women, I'd assume men would have a different opinion)!  However, it is a Carlson, and now Miller, tradition to watch it only on Halloween night, but I've been antsy to watch it at least once a week!

So, two days ago, I sat down to tackle this challenge with that movie still on my mind and serving as my inspiration.  I fired up Netflix and dug through my insanely unorganized supplies to find inspiration to create a Binx Scarecrow Cat!

It all started with this sketch.

I set out with a pile of felt, a needle and embroidery thread to create life!  No measuring or patterns needed here folks!
Binx was originally intended to be more scary, but it was hard to execute when stitching everything by hand.  I now have one cute (the yellow eyes make him look a little sinister, right?) hand crafted guard cat who will protect us all by making sure that an idiot virgin doesn't light the black flame candle on All Hallow's Eve.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Carol's Challenge: Tis' the season to add SCARE!

Somethings never change: We're sisters and we find the need to fill October with epic scary movies with Halloween themes. From Corn Fields, to Haunted Houses, it doesn't matter if we've seen the movie once or 100 times, we have no problem revisiting it each year at this time. 

So this October I challenge you to take your scare to a whole new level by crafting a Scare Crow to join in all the scaring fun! Use your favorite movies as inspiration and create a new fun guy that will keep the scares going in your house for many years to come!!!

Challenge Details:
Create: Scare Crow
Medium: Determined by you
Time: You have until Monday 10/20

Do you accept?

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Kayc's Challenge: Art will be Art - RESULTS

We use to make collage after collage after collage, each on meaning something different. In fact I still have a small box that I made into a collage that I use for jewelry! So naturally, when I read my challenge for making another collage, something I haven't done in probably 5 years... my mind blanked on how to make a worthy collage!

All I could think of is that my modern day collages have been ruined by Pinterest. I don't get fashion magazines to look for ideas, I don't by food magazines for the recipes, I don't get health magazines for new work out ideas -- I simply go to w w w DOT P, I, N, T, E, R, E, S, T DOT com! Egh! I hate being so locked on to technology. 

After 10 minutes of thinking, I did what anyone would do looking for craft ideas -- I WENT TO PINTEREST and searched my page! BAM, a perfect idea that I've been MEANING to do for way to long...and NOW, now I get the chance to do what I've been putting off. Here is my results to the challenge: Collage! It's edgy, out of the box idea, but it's PERFECT and it's my story!

First step --- Go to the thrift store and get WOOD framed pictures, sand paper and wood stain because the picture frames are ugly!
Second Step -- start sanding the frame to find out your WOOD frames are composite, and a sticker that just looks like wood!...Finishing sanding and stain it anyway!
Third Step -- Get your favorite Instagram pictures printed. Be terrible at sizes and ignore that pictures printed size 4inch by 4 inch are obviously going to be WAY to big to fit in tiny, previously stained not wood, wood frames! TOSS FRAMES

Fourth Step: FIND SOMETHING IN HOUSE to keep your challenge idea alive! Remove poster, glass, and start building your very own modern looking customized Instagram hanging picture!!


Morale of the story -- Don't give up when things aren't working out as you planned. Keep thinking, look outside the box, recycle, reuse and be creative. You can do anything if you put your mind too it! For this challenge I had to put my mind in overdrive to solve one problem after the other!!! That's what this blog is all about. Finding creativity in ALL depths!

Monday, October 6, 2014

KAYC'S CHALLENGE: Art will be art...

I consider myself creative, but there are times when I lose my drive or I need some new inspiration and I go to my notebooks.  Over the years I have filled numerous notebooks with clippings from ELLE, Nylon, Fitness, Vogue, HGTV Magazine, ELLE Décor, Country Living... there are just to many to name.
When I read a magazine, I rip out anything that I find inspiring, unique, creative and start a pile.  Once a week I go through my clippings and glue them in to my notebooks.
When we were younger we used to make our own collages by taping magazine clippings to our walls and I want to see if you still got it!?
This week, I'm challenging you to create a COLLAGE!  My process is incredibly straightforward, but there is no doubt in my mind that you will create something extraordinary!


1. a technique of composing a work of art by pasting on a single surface various materials not normally associated with one another, as newspaper clippings, parts of photographs, theater tickets, and fragments of an envelope.
2. a work of art produced by this technique.
Compare assemblage (def 3).
3. an assemblage or occurrence of diverse elements or fragments in unlikely or unexpected juxtaposition:
The experimental play is a collage of sudden scene shifts, long monologues, musical interludes, and slapstick.
4. a film that presents a series of seemingly unrelated scenes or images or shifts from one scene or image to another suddenly and without transition.
collage. (n.d.). Dictionary.com Unabridged. Retrieved October 06, 2014, from Dictionary.com website: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/collage
Challenge: Collage
Medium: You Choose!
Due Date: You results must be posted by October 13th
Who hasn't wished for all of their favorite things to
be in one place at one time!?

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Challenge: Fall Beers = COMPLETE

Moments after challenging Carol to kick off challenge for a blog that I knew was so fitting, I had the challenge sent back my way! After accepting, I knew there was no way I could deny the summon! Through a super busy week at work, jammed pack weekend and no time to catch up with my thoughts, I was able to pull off the challenge that I thought was virtually impossible! Here is my results of the beers I could find!

PLEASE NOTE: Finding seasonal beers in Alaska is not always the easiest challenge. What I thought would be so easy turned into going to 4 liquor stores, searching coolers high and low and reaching outside the box. It was fun, rewarding and lived up to its name -- CHALLENGING!

Beer 1: Out of your Gourd: Pumpkin Porter! A tasty porter, but one that doesn't drink as a dark beer!! Plus...who can deny the label!

Beer 2: Shock Top - Pumpkin Wheat! I got this beer to try as a last minute grab for a Sunday Football Beer. However, Shock Top let me down! Usually a safe, easy, tasty grab, this one was bland on the taste buds and didn't have me reaching for me. 

Beer 3: Leinenkugels Oktoberfest! An easy pick, easy drink, easy share! A go figure for Leine's! Always a fridge stocker for me! Mellow, Smooth, Tasty!

Beer 4: Fireside Chat! As days get colder, we're constantly reminded FALL is HERE! Fireside Chat is an AMAZING pick up to warm up as the weather gets cooler! This beer gets up to my top two favorite beers discovered during this challenge!!!

Beer 5: Elysian Night Owl Pumpkin Ale! You know we're sisters when 2 of our beers selected pretty much started with the owl's on the label (of course applaud Carol for my newly found Owl obsession)! This beer is AMAZING and if you get a chance to try it this fall, I'd highly suggest it! If you're looking for a true pumpkin ale, with pure pumpkin flavor and a kick of nutmeg, look no further!!! This is my NUMBER ONE pick form our 6 fall beer challenge!

Beer 6: Shiner Oktoberfest! A smooth, mellow, light way to end the night! This beer carries the flavors of a white beer full of citrus hints behind its Belgium flavored ale. A flavorful choice if you're looking for a change up on your typical Friday night drinker, but not a wise choice for a one night stand (beer) :D

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


I gladly accepted the beer challenge from Kayc. However, I wouldn't consider it a challenge... this is me we are talking about and I LOVE BEER! I do struggle with a gluten insensitivity but it's hard to turn around and walk away from shelves full of pumpkin and Oktoberfest libations (I'm working on my self control).
With that in mind, I headed to the liquor store last weekend to pick up some new brews! Amazingly, only one beer was a repeat, but it was for a good cause.
Beer 1: Alaskan Pumpkin Porter
There was no better way to honor my sister's challenge then to enjoy a beer from her current home - Alaska! This beer had the right amount of pumpkin, not overpowering in the least.  It was a delicious treat on a fall evening.
Beer 2: Schell's Oktoberfest
This is my repeat beer. Shell's is one of the most underrated breweries in my opinion. Oh, P.S. I am absolutely biased as I grew up in Southern Minnesota.

Beer 3: Traveler Jack-O Sandy
This was my least favorite beer that I had. It tasted like liquefied pumpkin pie, just not for me, sorry Traveler.
Beer 4: Anchor Brewing Big Leaf Maple Red Ale
THIS IS DELICIOUS! I don't typically drink red ales, but I'm glad I tried this one. I enjoyed this on the deck with my husband during dinner this week. The tinge of maple syrup is enough to take the edge off of the bitterness I experience in red ales. The only downside... we realized that we need to buy a rake.

Beer 5: Bell's Best Brown Ale
The only other thing that can rival my love for beer are owls. I fell hook, line and sinker for the label. It has a nice flavor, but the label is infinitely more awesome than the beer.

Beer 6: Newcastle Werewolf Blood Red Ale
This ale is a great way to wrap up this challenge. I've been sipping on the blood red while finishing up this post. It has definitely gotten me in the mood for October. It was also a beer to kick of my husband and mine's October tradition, a month long horror movie fest.
 Follow me on Instagram: @musesofasagittarius

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

FALL CHALLENGE: The taste is in the pour

We're back and we're ready for action! The Creative Distance is back and ready to start accepting the creative challenges, and with perfect timing I must say!!! Fall brings amazing reasons to get creative, and winter brings extra time of relaxation to get crafty. So save our blog site and check back each week for new challenges and responses of the challenges we've served. 

Fall is a perfect time for brew masters to launch new lines of ales, porters, apple beers and more! As the temps drop, football starts and we see these new beers, it's hard to not grab a 6 pack of them all to try on Sunday afternoon. Don't hold back any longer! Go grab some new fall beers and give your taste-buds a fall celebration of their own!

To kick off our challenges, if you accept, you challenge is to heighten those taste buds and pour up a cold one.... well six to be exact.  I challenge you to give 6 new brews a try and instagram pics of your challenge!!

Challenge Details:
Medium: New Fall Beers of your choice
Amount: 6 Beers
Report: Instagram photos proving each 6 beers of your choosing!
Time: You have 1 week. Results must be posted 10/1!

What do you say? Are you up for the sip??

Monday, June 23, 2014

Webster Dictionary Photo Challenge: Week 3

The thing that makes me most sad about bringing you this weekly post is that it means we're officially over half way done with our June photo challenge. I think my favorite part about this photo challenge has been the challenge to think of an idea for the word and then match something you can take a picture of to make it complete!!!

This week that I'm going to change it up and highlight are based off literal, favorite, jealousy, humor and winning picture of week 3!

#1. Za! When you ask for Za you're going to get Za! We both took this one to the absolute literally level that we could! On the plus side -- it was almost like we had dinner together! First time in along time. 
[KaseABase]                            [MusesofaSagittarius]

#2. Exocarp! This is my favorite for two reasons! Reason #1: I got to learn a new word that I've since instilled into my everyday life. Reason #2: My sister is that bad ass that she can rock poppin' champagne for no reason at all, and always fills her glass with class


#3: Mane! Jealousy FOR sure! I love Carol's hair, so whenever it comes to a new product, a new color, a new style or a new curl... I get jealous of the gene's she got to have such thick, long hair! Plus its quite comically that she bought out the entire store of Sun-In.


#4: Mane! I know I did mane for jealousy, but I also have to do mane for humorous. Take a Ja-Moke, put him in San Fran, and you got a 'mane'. Oh silly slang, its so funny looking at why we say the things we say!


#5: Withdraw! Winner of week 3 photo challenge! This picture is just so neat!!! Cider beer, in your hand, on a summery day, celebrating a great person -- This photo wins this weeks photo HANDS down!


Follow along with us as we finish our 30 day June Photo Challenge!! You can also check us out on our Instagram accounts. Hit us up with your favorites! :D

CAROL: [MusesofaSagittarius]
KAYC: [KaseABase] 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Webster Dictionary Photo Challenge: Week 2

I have to admit… photo challenges are demanding!  Actually, it probably only feels that way because I spend my day at work, come home to relax, make a delicious supper, pop a cork on a bottle of our homemade wine AND then realize that I have forgotten to post my photo & it’s already 8 o’clock. 

Supper has become lukewarm and my wine lost its chill, but both Kayc & I took some great photos this week!

This week I’m also highlighting four of our photos in the categories of emotional, humor, literal & beautiful!
Day #13: Gluten! Ahhh..gluten, how I do miss you!  Having an intolerance doesn’t even compare to those who have Celiac Disease, but I want jump inside this photo to have a sip and take a bite! This photo wins the emotional award of the week!


Day #11: Aesop Fables! Seriously, Bo Jangles lives the life of luxury.  Sleep all day, sleep all night & steal, steal, steal!  I still find him creepy & most certainly not adorable, but he knows how to find his light & pose!  This photo wins the humor award for the week!

Day #15: Trading Cards! This was a tough choice.  We both are in love with sports fans!  However, my husband has a collection of 15,000 cards of various sports & players all tucked away in tubs or in piles. This photo wins the literal photo of the week!

As I was typing this post, I casually asked my husband about how many Jerry Rice cards that he did have.  His response was, “Probably 30 or so.”  I then when back to typing, he disappeared.  Minutes later he returned with a binder… he in fact has 72 in a book, but informed me "that there are more somewhere in cases."

P.S. He’s willing to make a deal!

Day 10: Loud! Everyone who knows me will agree that I have two loves in my life… nail polish and books!  Colors and nail designs help me express myself loudly & books take me to those worlds that are far, far away!  This picture wins the beautiful photo of the week!!

Follow along with us as we continue on our 30 day June Photo Challenge!  We’ve made it half way!  You can also check out our Instagram accounts.  Don’t forget to like your favorites!

Join us in our challenge!  Don't forget to tag us in your photos!

CAROL: [MusesofaSagittarius]

KAYC: [KaseABase] 

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Webster Dictionary Photo Challenge: Week 1

After along furlough...we're back and excited to be kicking off the revamp of The Creative Distance Blog with a Photo Challenge!!! The Creative Distance is a blog started by my sister, Carol and I as a challenging, yet creative way to stay connected with each other, even with 3,000 miles between us.

This is not your ordinary photo challenge, because this is not just another mundane blog and we are simply not ordinary sisters! Carol had previously gone to the library and raided the shelves for a pristine copy of the best -- Webster's Dictionary! Flipping from page to page, she'd spot the thirty words, one at a time.

 And with is being National Best Friend day -- it's an unrivaled day to do our first week wrap up! There is by far some of the best highlights that deserve to be called upon! 

The four photos I'd like to highlight based off of having the best emotion, humor, is very literal and beautiful!!

#1: Vivify: Enliven or Animate: I never thought I'd get so excited when looking inside of a port-a-potty! At the Alaskan walk for Women, decorated port-a-potty's were an added fundraiser aspect!! This photo wins the emotional award of the week!

#2: Oversize! 7 months ago it was a Christmas tree, now my newly-home owner sista is using her car to buy ladders! This photo wins the humor award for the week!

#3: BrewPub! Moose Tooth and Broken Tooth Brewing - If you've been there, you know why! If you haven't - You're actually really missing out! This photo wins the literal photo of the week!

#4: Smoosh! Perfect composure in this picture! A well depicted smoosh, with a touch of summer time delight (and a beautiful wedding ring) makes this picture with the beautiful photo of the week!!

Follow along with us as we continue on our 30 day June Photo Challenge!! You can also check us out on our Instagram accounts. Hit us up with your favorites! :D

CAROL: [MusesofaSagittarius]
KAYC: [KaseABase]