Saturday, October 11, 2014

Kayc's Challenge: Art will be Art - RESULTS

We use to make collage after collage after collage, each on meaning something different. In fact I still have a small box that I made into a collage that I use for jewelry! So naturally, when I read my challenge for making another collage, something I haven't done in probably 5 years... my mind blanked on how to make a worthy collage!

All I could think of is that my modern day collages have been ruined by Pinterest. I don't get fashion magazines to look for ideas, I don't by food magazines for the recipes, I don't get health magazines for new work out ideas -- I simply go to w w w DOT P, I, N, T, E, R, E, S, T DOT com! Egh! I hate being so locked on to technology. 

After 10 minutes of thinking, I did what anyone would do looking for craft ideas -- I WENT TO PINTEREST and searched my page! BAM, a perfect idea that I've been MEANING to do for way to long...and NOW, now I get the chance to do what I've been putting off. Here is my results to the challenge: Collage! It's edgy, out of the box idea, but it's PERFECT and it's my story!

First step --- Go to the thrift store and get WOOD framed pictures, sand paper and wood stain because the picture frames are ugly!
Second Step -- start sanding the frame to find out your WOOD frames are composite, and a sticker that just looks like wood!...Finishing sanding and stain it anyway!
Third Step -- Get your favorite Instagram pictures printed. Be terrible at sizes and ignore that pictures printed size 4inch by 4 inch are obviously going to be WAY to big to fit in tiny, previously stained not wood, wood frames! TOSS FRAMES

Fourth Step: FIND SOMETHING IN HOUSE to keep your challenge idea alive! Remove poster, glass, and start building your very own modern looking customized Instagram hanging picture!!


Morale of the story -- Don't give up when things aren't working out as you planned. Keep thinking, look outside the box, recycle, reuse and be creative. You can do anything if you put your mind too it! For this challenge I had to put my mind in overdrive to solve one problem after the other!!! That's what this blog is all about. Finding creativity in ALL depths!

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