Thursday, October 23, 2014

Carol's Challenge: Tis' the season to add SCARE! - RESULTS

Alas, thou dost comprehend!  I didn't abide by the timeline rules, but the last week was crazy at both home and work.  I know... what a lame excuse, but I honestly didn't have room for a creative thought in my mind!
Ironically, scarecrows kind of creep me out.  I find them unsettling and cryptic, so I knew the first autumnal decoration that I was going to make would have to be a happy and straight forward spin on a scarecrow.
Ask any child of the 90's what their favorite movie to watch during October.  I'd say that 99% of them would say Hocus Pocus (if you are asking women, I'd assume men would have a different opinion)!  However, it is a Carlson, and now Miller, tradition to watch it only on Halloween night, but I've been antsy to watch it at least once a week!

So, two days ago, I sat down to tackle this challenge with that movie still on my mind and serving as my inspiration.  I fired up Netflix and dug through my insanely unorganized supplies to find inspiration to create a Binx Scarecrow Cat!

It all started with this sketch.

I set out with a pile of felt, a needle and embroidery thread to create life!  No measuring or patterns needed here folks!
Binx was originally intended to be more scary, but it was hard to execute when stitching everything by hand.  I now have one cute (the yellow eyes make him look a little sinister, right?) hand crafted guard cat who will protect us all by making sure that an idiot virgin doesn't light the black flame candle on All Hallow's Eve.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh. He melts my heart! This is by far the best result of a challenge we've ever done! Not only is he cute, he fits 100% into our Family tradition. This challenge has really sent me overflowing with emotion and homesickness. The reason for this blog is to bind a friendship and challenge the creative minds even thru the distance that seperates us. This challenge and results has proven the exciting emotion, love and friendship behind this blog!
