Saturday, November 1, 2014

Kayc's Results: One of these things is not like the other!

This challenge was both fun and mind boggling for me! At first I was going through my normal day and realized I match a lot of things together that a lot of people wouldn't think be paired together! So I could have called it quits after just 24 hours of the challenge, BUT that wasn't really an option as I wanted to go above and beyond!!!

My APPARENTLY not so normal pairs:

#1: French Fries Dipped in Ice Cream

#2: Egg Nog with my Chai Tea

#3: Yogurt in a Stir Fry

So I jumped on and watched some clips of Flea Market Flip to get my wheels turning on what I could do to complete this challenge! I knew I wanted to grab something from the thrift store, and I had to focus on PAIRS!!! It dawned on me the perfect project was just moments away from becoming my reality! SWEATER MITTENS! AND what pairs well with SWEATERS? MITTENS! So why not pair them together.

MITTENS MADE WITH 100% Sweaters!

Challenge Complete! :D

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