Tuesday, November 11, 2014

CiCi's Results: "Owl" Let You Figure It Out!

I do have a weird fascination with owls.  As I sit here blogging at my kitchen table, I count 5 owl items or images staring back at me... gulp... it might be an obsession!  Without a doubt, an owl's best feature is their eyes, however, staying up all night is a close second!
I can't crochet.  I'm not patient and I become incredibly frustrated when I try because it pisses me off that I can't do it.  Sewing, is a breeze!  Counted cross stitch was a piece of cake to learn and embroidery... the easiest of them all!  Crocheting is the stuff that taunts me in my nightmares!
Ironically, I do have a drawer full of yarn, because "one day I'm going to teach myself to crochet." Also, I pilfered some of it from Kayc when she was in her knitting phase.  Periodically I check out crochet books from the library and I happened upon a pattern for an owl garland and it looked like a good beginner project.
I grabbed my H hook, ball of yarn and sat down to crochet. Struggling through the first owl, it didn't turn out to bad, but the remaining two (just when I thought I was getting it) ended up not working right and are lopsided, but alas, they have found their purpose in life... as coasters.
In a bind and pissed off because crocheting was smarter than me, I did what every normal person does, I googled.  I happened upon a YouTube tutorial for a Night Owl Eye Mask!  It's taken three long nights, but I've finished my own.  I'd like to point out that I did go rouge by chain stitching the head straps instead of using plain 'ol boring elastic.
It's not perfect, but I'm proud that I finished and it looks like it should.  I choose variegated yarn to cover any imperfections. This project has created an animal and I'm ready to get started on another one tonight!  Practice makes perfect!
Visit www.CrochetTalk.com or follow this link for pattern: http://youtu.be/DszDaYLIMjM?list=UUc7ne2xKgF-9KlRS9n8KoVQ
Yes family, this most likely means you will be receiving an awesome handmade gift this year, but at least it's made with 100% love!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Carol's Challenge: 'Owl' let you figure it out!

What are your two favorite things in life? Owls and Ben's and I's ability to spew out awesome puns at all time!!! Well I might not be exact on your top two favorite things, however, I'm close enough and that's what is going to make this challenge a hoot! 

November is a perfect month to start digging out the winter and Christmas decoration, which also makes it a perfect time to create something new. Do what you want, create what you may, just make sure you make it owlsome! Your challenge is to dig deep into one of your favorite things, and create a masterpiece to add to your collect of Owl'a! From Food, to Crafts, you get to choose.

If you accept: Challenge Details:
Subject: Owls
Medium: Your Choice
Deadline: 11/11/14

'Owl' sit here and wait for your results!!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Kayc's Results: One of these things is not like the other!

This challenge was both fun and mind boggling for me! At first I was going through my normal day and realized I match a lot of things together that a lot of people wouldn't think be paired together! So I could have called it quits after just 24 hours of the challenge, BUT that wasn't really an option as I wanted to go above and beyond!!!

My APPARENTLY not so normal pairs:

#1: French Fries Dipped in Ice Cream

#2: Egg Nog with my Chai Tea

#3: Yogurt in a Stir Fry

So I jumped on and watched some clips of Flea Market Flip to get my wheels turning on what I could do to complete this challenge! I knew I wanted to grab something from the thrift store, and I had to focus on PAIRS!!! It dawned on me the perfect project was just moments away from becoming my reality! SWEATER MITTENS! AND what pairs well with SWEATERS? MITTENS! So why not pair them together.

MITTENS MADE WITH 100% Sweaters!

Challenge Complete! :D