Monday, June 23, 2014

Webster Dictionary Photo Challenge: Week 3

The thing that makes me most sad about bringing you this weekly post is that it means we're officially over half way done with our June photo challenge. I think my favorite part about this photo challenge has been the challenge to think of an idea for the word and then match something you can take a picture of to make it complete!!!

This week that I'm going to change it up and highlight are based off literal, favorite, jealousy, humor and winning picture of week 3!

#1. Za! When you ask for Za you're going to get Za! We both took this one to the absolute literally level that we could! On the plus side -- it was almost like we had dinner together! First time in along time. 
[KaseABase]                            [MusesofaSagittarius]

#2. Exocarp! This is my favorite for two reasons! Reason #1: I got to learn a new word that I've since instilled into my everyday life. Reason #2: My sister is that bad ass that she can rock poppin' champagne for no reason at all, and always fills her glass with class


#3: Mane! Jealousy FOR sure! I love Carol's hair, so whenever it comes to a new product, a new color, a new style or a new curl... I get jealous of the gene's she got to have such thick, long hair! Plus its quite comically that she bought out the entire store of Sun-In.


#4: Mane! I know I did mane for jealousy, but I also have to do mane for humorous. Take a Ja-Moke, put him in San Fran, and you got a 'mane'. Oh silly slang, its so funny looking at why we say the things we say!


#5: Withdraw! Winner of week 3 photo challenge! This picture is just so neat!!! Cider beer, in your hand, on a summery day, celebrating a great person -- This photo wins this weeks photo HANDS down!


Follow along with us as we finish our 30 day June Photo Challenge!! You can also check us out on our Instagram accounts. Hit us up with your favorites! :D

CAROL: [MusesofaSagittarius]
KAYC: [KaseABase] 

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Webster Dictionary Photo Challenge: Week 2

I have to admit… photo challenges are demanding!  Actually, it probably only feels that way because I spend my day at work, come home to relax, make a delicious supper, pop a cork on a bottle of our homemade wine AND then realize that I have forgotten to post my photo & it’s already 8 o’clock. 

Supper has become lukewarm and my wine lost its chill, but both Kayc & I took some great photos this week!

This week I’m also highlighting four of our photos in the categories of emotional, humor, literal & beautiful!
Day #13: Gluten! Ahhh..gluten, how I do miss you!  Having an intolerance doesn’t even compare to those who have Celiac Disease, but I want jump inside this photo to have a sip and take a bite! This photo wins the emotional award of the week!


Day #11: Aesop Fables! Seriously, Bo Jangles lives the life of luxury.  Sleep all day, sleep all night & steal, steal, steal!  I still find him creepy & most certainly not adorable, but he knows how to find his light & pose!  This photo wins the humor award for the week!

Day #15: Trading Cards! This was a tough choice.  We both are in love with sports fans!  However, my husband has a collection of 15,000 cards of various sports & players all tucked away in tubs or in piles. This photo wins the literal photo of the week!

As I was typing this post, I casually asked my husband about how many Jerry Rice cards that he did have.  His response was, “Probably 30 or so.”  I then when back to typing, he disappeared.  Minutes later he returned with a binder… he in fact has 72 in a book, but informed me "that there are more somewhere in cases."

P.S. He’s willing to make a deal!

Day 10: Loud! Everyone who knows me will agree that I have two loves in my life… nail polish and books!  Colors and nail designs help me express myself loudly & books take me to those worlds that are far, far away!  This picture wins the beautiful photo of the week!!

Follow along with us as we continue on our 30 day June Photo Challenge!  We’ve made it half way!  You can also check out our Instagram accounts.  Don’t forget to like your favorites!

Join us in our challenge!  Don't forget to tag us in your photos!

CAROL: [MusesofaSagittarius]

KAYC: [KaseABase] 

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Webster Dictionary Photo Challenge: Week 1

After along furlough...we're back and excited to be kicking off the revamp of The Creative Distance Blog with a Photo Challenge!!! The Creative Distance is a blog started by my sister, Carol and I as a challenging, yet creative way to stay connected with each other, even with 3,000 miles between us.

This is not your ordinary photo challenge, because this is not just another mundane blog and we are simply not ordinary sisters! Carol had previously gone to the library and raided the shelves for a pristine copy of the best -- Webster's Dictionary! Flipping from page to page, she'd spot the thirty words, one at a time.

 And with is being National Best Friend day -- it's an unrivaled day to do our first week wrap up! There is by far some of the best highlights that deserve to be called upon! 

The four photos I'd like to highlight based off of having the best emotion, humor, is very literal and beautiful!!

#1: Vivify: Enliven or Animate: I never thought I'd get so excited when looking inside of a port-a-potty! At the Alaskan walk for Women, decorated port-a-potty's were an added fundraiser aspect!! This photo wins the emotional award of the week!

#2: Oversize! 7 months ago it was a Christmas tree, now my newly-home owner sista is using her car to buy ladders! This photo wins the humor award for the week!

#3: BrewPub! Moose Tooth and Broken Tooth Brewing - If you've been there, you know why! If you haven't - You're actually really missing out! This photo wins the literal photo of the week!

#4: Smoosh! Perfect composure in this picture! A well depicted smoosh, with a touch of summer time delight (and a beautiful wedding ring) makes this picture with the beautiful photo of the week!!

Follow along with us as we continue on our 30 day June Photo Challenge!! You can also check us out on our Instagram accounts. Hit us up with your favorites! :D

CAROL: [MusesofaSagittarius]
KAYC: [KaseABase]